Site policy

Approach to privacy and security

Privacy and security on this website are handled as follows.
1. Purpose of collection
The personal information we keep will be used only for checking and making contact necessary for customers to use the services provided by this website, providing information that is useful to customers, developing and offering services, and other legitimate purposes.
2. Voluntary nature of providing information
We ask the customers themselves to decide whether or not to share their own personal information. However, you may be unable to use some website services if you do not enter the necessary information, so please be aware of that beforehand.
3. Entrusting personal information
We may entrust personal information we have received to outside vendors, to perform information processing, shipment operations, etc. In this case, we will properly select the vendors for entrusting information, and ensure that personal information can be properly managed. Aside from the above, we will never furnish information to third parties, except when that is legally required. (“when legally required” refers to requests by courts, administrative organs, supervisory government agencies, and other public bodies, etc. based on legal grounds or public interest.)
4. Domain and IP address
When a user accesses this website, the IP address (numeric) specifying their location on the Internet and the domain name corresponding to that are automatically recorded in a log. This may be acquired and recorded as part of managing the servers where the website is hosted. Generally speaking, it is not easy to identify an individual from their IP address. Access logs are used for site maintenance management and for statistical analysis of the usage situation.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Royal Sangyo Co., Ltd. has established the following basic policy regarding the handling of personal information we receive from customers. In order to manage all personal information in the possession of our company, our executives and all employees shall understand and abide by the intent of this policy.
1. definition
Royal Sangyo Co., Ltd. defines personally identifiable information as information that can be used to identify an individual.
2. Management system
For the purpose of managing personal information protection, we have appointed a personal information protection manager, and established the organizational system necessary for management.
3. Purpose of acquiring information and scope of use
When acquiring personal information, we shall clearly indicate the purpose and method of use and the contact point for inquiries, and information shall be acquired only within the necessary scope. Information shall only be used within the scope for which consent was obtained at the time of acquisition, and it shall not be used for any other purpose.
4. Furnishing to third parties
Collected personal information will never be handled outside the purpose of use or furnished to any third party without the consent of the person concerned. However, if required based on a court order of other legal or regulatory grounds, we may furnish the customer’s personal information without the prior consent of the customer. We may also furnish personal information to subcontractors in order to outsource operations involving the handling of personal data. Even in such cases, we shall ensure proper management by requiring that the subcontractor properly handle the furnished personal information.
5. Disclosure, correction, deletion, and stopping usage of personal information
If a request is made to disclose, correct, delete, or stop usage of information, we shall confirm that the requesting party is the person concerned, and unless there is a special reason, we shall grant the request within a reasonable scope and appropriate period.
6. Security measures
We shall implement strict security measures regarding customer personal information, continually review our systems, and work hard to prevent information loss, unauthorized access, misuse, tampering, and other issues.
7. Continuous improvement of legal compliance and management system
We shall comply with applicable laws, regulations, and norms relating to the personal information our company keeps, and we shall review and improve the above provisions as appropriate.
8. Changes in the Personal Information Protection Policy
This Personal Information Protection Policy may be revised in response to changes in laws and regulations, or for other necessary reasons, to ensure protection of personal information. When that occurs, the latest Personal Information Protection Policy will be posted on the website.
9. Complaints, consultation, and inquiries regarding personal information
If you have any inquiries regarding this Personal Information Protection Policy or our handling of personal information, please contact us through the following contact point. Royal Sangyo Co., Ltd., Personal Information Contact Point, TEL: 048-810-1313


Royal Sangyo Co., Ltd.Royal Sangyo Co., Ltd.

Head Office Factory:
〒336-0932 Nakao 945-2, Midori-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, Japan
TEL:+81-48-810-1313 FAX:+81-48-874-3679

Kofu Development Center:
〒400-0112 Natori 298-4, Kai-shi, Yamanashi, Japan
TEL:+81-55-236-9393 FAX:+81-55-236-9390

Business description

Development, design, and manufacturing of speaker units
<Speaker-related parts>
Aluminum/Titanium cap manufacturing, aluminum/titanium diaphragm manufacturing, voice coil assembly
Car speakers, audio speakers, TV speakers

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